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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Excellent Read.
This has got to be one of the best novels I have read for a long time.You seem to get drawn into Jamie's circle of friends. Excellent read looking forward to Julie Forester's next novel.
Maggie Turner (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Very addictive book one you won't want to put it down.
I loved this book. Didn't want to put my kindle down. Written in away that describes the story so well you actually think you are there. Can't wait to the sequel.
L.Meader (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Awesome first novel.
I don't usually get much time to read, however this book kept me turning the 'digital pages' and I found myself reading as if I was on holiday. I wanted to get to know the characters and what happened to them. Well done. Looking forward to the next book by Julie Forester.
Tabby (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Superb Novel.
For a first novel this is very accomplished. From the moment that Jamie walks into the bar named "Alchemy" the story never lets go. It's very rare that a first novel doesn't have editing issues - parts of the novel that could have been culled to tighten the story, but this didn't need it. I was very taken with all the characters and even the secondary ones were well drawn and rounded. I can't wait for Ms Forrester's next novel. This is one I will read again and again.
Ms. Emma H. Mitchell (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is an excellent book.
This has been an extremely enjoyable read. The descriptive style of Julie's writing drew me into the story and provided total escapism from daily life. I found myself connecting with the characters and looking forward to my next opportunity to sit back down and read it. This is an excellent book and it presents its self as being written by an experienced and well established author. If this is the quality of Julie's first novel I am really hoping that there are more to follow.
By Guardian angel gifts (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
You get drawn in by the characters and the twists and turns that their journeys lead you on. I didn't want to put it down. Looking forward to Julie Forester's next novel.
Margaret (Goodreads)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great Read !!!
I was drawn in from the first page, extremely engaging characters. I didn't want to put the book down. thoroughly enjoyed reading it and hopefully there will soon be a sequel!!
Suzanne Howell (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Brilliant! Well worth a read.
A great read, I was pulled into the story from the first page. The author makes the characters so real, the scenes were set perfectly, I can imagine myself now having a cocktail in the Alchemy. Well worth a read.
Sara Mclearyon (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ I recommend this book as a really good read.
What a brave start for a new writer! The characters, pace and complexity of this modern feminine world is a far cry from that of Jane Austen's Emma but I was moved to compare the learning opportunites that different lives offer us and ask myself what has been gained or lost. I congratulate Julie for creating such a gripping read from start to finish and thank her for providing such a provocative but mainly believable insight in to a world that my generation (born before the war) could not have imagined. I did find the loathsome villain so well described that I could not believe any woman would put themselves at risk no matter what money or career prospects were offered. The balance between the vulnerability and self-confidence of the main characters also stretched my credibility at times and the changes between the two extremes did not fit with experience - but then I did not visit the Alchemist or drink marmalade martinis before teaching! I recommend this book as a really good read. Well done.
Mrs M A Craske (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Read.
I think the book’s fantastic. Ready for the next one. If you fancy a thought provoking read that you can’t put down, this book deals with some very interesting issues. Hope to see more from this author.
Marie Louise Brady (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great debut novel.
Genuinely a gripping read. The only thing I struggled with was putting it down.
Garage Audiblekinson (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A great read.
A seriously good read, it's got plenty of pace, good characters and a few excellent twists and turns. Best of all it's written in proper, understandable English, set in London by an author who properly knows her way round the city and the language. Bring on the sequel!!
Andrew M (Amazon UK)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great read.
Just finished reading this book. Great story, I couldn't put it down. There has to be a part 2!!
Amazon Customer (Amazon.com)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fabulous start for newcomer author.
Hope this becomes a series. This isn't the usual style of book I go for but it was interesting from the start. Forester has an honest approach in dealing with how we misinterpret situations and conversations in all types of relationship. Looking forward to finding out more about some of the characters and how the story develops.
happyfloweralex (Amazon UK)